What's In My Beauty Bag

What's In My Beauty Bag
Less shimmery than its well known sister "O", Deep Throat gives the perfect natural peach flush for summer!
BonBon Rose Girls

For Your Review

Want moi to review a product? Email browwhisperer@gmail.com for further info! My reviews are filled with warmth, wit and intelligence- & are always honest!

About Me

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This make-up artist and esthetician has a (bordering on unhealthy) addiction to all things beauty! No amount of eyeshadows or cream liners will ever be enough! I go giddy for all things girly. Lipgloss might not be able to heal the world, but it can lift a gal's spirits!

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Your Money & Business Segment

I met the adorable Yolanda Vazquez of MPT's Your Money & Business at a store opening a few weeks ago. We started talking & ended up on the subject of social media. While I'm no expert, I do an awful lot of it to promote my business. She wanted to interview me on the importance of social media for small business owners & I was more than happy to oblige. Here she is getting her mic on (which I found quite entertaining!)
The TV crew came in & shot different angles around the spa. They shot stills of products, me blogging & twittering, even Lindsay giving one of her incredible massages!
Here we are mid interview. The shoot was what's called 'live to tape' which means it's just one take, you don't really yell 'cut' unless you really fumble over words. It's not live, the way it was on the news, but never the less it's still nerve wracking! I, never at a loss for words, still get incredibly nervous. I can't even tell you what I talked about, I think I blacked out- ha ha.
Here we are after the interview, when my normal breathing had returned. Yolanda was great to work with- she also loved the boutique. She was all over this crystal bracelet and picked up a Paul & Joe Beaute lipgloss, too! I am so excited to see the segment, which will air sometime in August. I'll keep my beauties posted as to the date!
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M


Scientific Housewife said...

How exciting, you look great!

Kelly said...

You do look fab!! You are becoming a television pro!

MCW said...

That is great! Can't wait to see it!