Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale starts this Friday girleens & they have some amazing make-up collections! This Blue & Brown kit ($75)from Bobbi Brown has everything you need for a classic, yet gorgeous look. There's not a dud in the batch! If the blue in the eyeshadow kit makes you a little nervous, just use it as a liner.

I have to hand it to Trish McEvoy, she keeps coming out with her adorable planner collections (& did anyone catch her cameo on Gossip Girl this past season?!) These shadows are neutral, but with dimension & great texture to keep them from being boring. This small kit($85) also includes her new undereye concealer which I'm dying to try! Most of you know how much I heart her lid primers, a mini is included.

Here's the bigger bag ($95)that includes face shades, as well to give an all over soft sensual glow. Again everything in this kit is a winner with everything being very wearable. A little secret? Estee Lauder's GWP looks very much like this bag, so if you love it, but want to save some moolah- keep your eyes out for that. I couldn't find a picture to upload, but I'll be snatching it up! Also Lancome has a nice GWP as well, so I will be stocking up on some concealers. Have you seen the sale catalog? What will you be scooping up my beauties?
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M
Loving that Bobby Brown color pallet!
The last thing I need is more makeup but Bobbi Brown get me every time. Found you through Rosebuds. Love the blog.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
I really only have some Bobbi Brown gel liners, but I'm loving the shadows & think I'm going to have to scoop it up!
Oh M, I love it all! This cosmetics "junkie" needs serious help, but I'm going to order a few of these from Nordie's.
Have you tried the Shimmer Bricks from Bobbi Brown? I have about six of them, LOVE them all. :-) XOXO
Bama Mama how have you been?! I've missed ya! I don't have the BB shimmerbrick because Physician's Formula has a cheap & cheerful version- ha ha!
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