What's In My Beauty Bag

What's In My Beauty Bag
Less shimmery than its well known sister "O", Deep Throat gives the perfect natural peach flush for summer!
BonBon Rose Girls

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Want moi to review a product? Email browwhisperer@gmail.com for further info! My reviews are filled with warmth, wit and intelligence- & are always honest!

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This make-up artist and esthetician has a (bordering on unhealthy) addiction to all things beauty! No amount of eyeshadows or cream liners will ever be enough! I go giddy for all things girly. Lipgloss might not be able to heal the world, but it can lift a gal's spirits!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Nemesis

Cellulite? Unsightly hair? Those of you who know that I'm an esthetician would probably think that those would be my answers. But no my beauties, what is my biggest nemesis at the moment? Horseflies. While frolicking in the pool during my vacation, these brazen beasts continuously dive bombed moi & my guests. When I got bitten by one, I surely assumed it was a wasp. My foot swelled & it was so painful, I felt like I must be a wuss if it was just a horsefly bite. Favorite cousin T assured me that I wasn't a wimp & that she had felt like she had been shot the last time she was bitten. And yes that is there actual size, though when flying at you I swear they have a 6" wingspan & sound like a helicopter!

After hearing the stories, Partner in Crime came prepared for her visit gifting me with the Moskito Finito from Restoration Hardware. Those strings are electric my friends! I started to fear after spastically swinging the racquet that I would accidentally electrocute myself...

Though slightly bitter about my constant uninvited guests, looking back they provided me with some of my funniest memories of the vacation. Being mocked for doing my frantic 'get away/shoo' dance & then seeing my friends do their very own interpretation...By accident dousing Kristen of All Things Lovely with one of my many weapons from my chemical arsenal in the pool. Being so relieved when she got her eyesight back (I jest!) Reflecting on the week it brings a smile to my face, that is now safely back in the suburbs. Ah, there's no place like home.
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M


CTB said...

Ugh! How annoying!

Kristen Nichols said...

those horseflies were the dang devil! they started the war...we just ended it the American Way!

Peace.Love. Lipgloss. said...

Horseflies = pure evil!