Last week Movie Girl & I went to Lilith Fair. Despite the nearly 100 degree weather, it was pretty much a religious experience for me. I have adored Sarah McLachlan for almost 15 years now. Ask any of the girls at the spa, I play her so often(what can I say I do a mean facial to her music!) the girls have probably had their fill.

The neatest part of the festival was that Sarah popped onstage to sing back up for every act that was in the tour! No pretense whatsoever & it made the experience that much more intimate when she sang for her back up singer, Butterfly Boucher in the small tent.

Here are the Courtyard Hounds with Sarah (2/3's of the Dixie Chicks sans Natalie.) Such talented women that can play so many instruments! Funniest quote of the night was from them, "When we were the Dixie Chicks we stayed at the Ritz, as the Courtyard Hounds we have to stay at Motel 6!"

Here's Sarah Barielles to the left with the Courtyard Hounds- I heart her! If you haven't checked out her music, you should! Missy Higgins is to the far right.

Indigo Girls- what else does one say? They absolutely rocked it out!

The grand finale was so special, every act came up on stage to jam out.
Absolutely no ego, just incredible voices sharing their love of music.

I had to share this photo since it's so funny! There was a photo booth where you could pop in front of several different digital screens. In honor of the concert, we chose this one- but because of Movie Girl's aqua shirt she turned into torso-less woman!

The highlight of the day & possibly one of the highlights of my life was the chance to meet Sarah in person! So kind, so genuine- she just radiates beauty & kindness. I was honored to be a part of that day!
Peace. Love. Lilith. M
How fun! I'm jealous of you! I lovveeee Sarah! She's amazing.
Wow, how exciting!
Beautiful picture of 2 beautiful gals!!
great pictures!
Look at you lovely ladies...That must have been an amazing experience!
I'm very jealous! I recently downloaded the Courtyard Hounds album and would have LOVED to see them in person.
Всем привет!
Недавно перед мной встала задача, куда деть накопишиеся [b]европоддоны[/b], или еще их называют [b]Паллеты[/b],
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Немного предистории.
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товар продаем а поддоны остаются, у нас встал вопрос куда их девать.
Раньше мы их сжигали.
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около 10 лет на Рынке Промышленной Тары с хорошей репутацией.
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Буквально через час подъехал их представитель, Авто с Логотипом "[url=http://www.uralsklad.ru]Поддоны Челябинск[/url]".
Цены закупочные оказались самые высокие в г. Челябинске.
Все цивилизовано грузчики загрузили [b]Паллеты[/b] ешё и лом поддонов купили, расчитались на месте наличными.
Про другие фирмы я узнавал либо Цены низкие, либо Бракуют много, да и денег от них не дождешься.
Так что если у вас завалялись [b]европоддоны[/b], не торопитесь их выбрасывать, лучше обменяйте их на деньги.
Looks like a lot of fun!!!I love the pictures!
How awesome that you got to go and meet Sarah! Looked like so much fun!
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