Wow. I'm currently about half way thru reading this book & let me tell you- I'm horrified. Don't let the the title fool you, it's not a trendy diet book. Rather the book is an expose on what we're really putting into our mouths & it's not pretty. I first starting reading it about a year ago, got 15 pages in & put it down. I was totally overwhelmed. I can honestly say this book might be life changing for me. Never has a book made me think the way that I am about what to eat & what's going into my body. I feel like trail mix has been my main food group over the last few days, since yes I've been that disgusted. Have any of you gals read it? Who's a vegetarian or vegan out there? As intense as it is, I really think it's worth the read even if it's to make our food industry more accountable. Let me know your thoughts beauties, I'm off to find a liquor store that carries organic wine to help me cope!
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M
I read it and gave a good two week try. I was miserable! I'm convinced these ladies are skinny beacuse they don't eat and bitchy becasue they're hungry.
In theory this "lifestyle" works, in practice, well, not so much.
oh my gosh girl...i LOVE skinny bitch! it was my BIBLE when i first started losing weight and definitely the catalyst for my vegetarianism. what i did after i finished reading SB was to find other books about vegetarianism and the food industry (not things sponsored by PETA, who i find to be alarmists) to further substantiate SB's claims (if you look in the back there is an index full of recommended titles...they're good in the scary good way). when i was looking around my university's veggie section i found other books as well. i tried to cut back on cheese but i do really like it haha...it DEFINITELY turned me off of milk though - SICK! i recommend unsweetened vanilla almond breeze - at only 40 calories a serving it is such a GREAT milk alternative. please let me know if you have any other questions/need suggestions. i love being a veg and while i occasionally do eat something with meat in it (so i don't go off the deep end, you know!) it is never satisfying and always reminds me why i don't like eating meat anymore. i also have PHENOMENAL good cholesterol levels!
I can't get myself to see Food Inc. because of it's truths so I probably couldn't read this either... my ignorance is bliss, for now haha.
Steph you're too funny! Alanna I'm definitely going to be emailing you when I'm done the book....some things need to change! Mrs. Housewife- you're a scientist sister! Knowledge is power!
Loved this book...but when I tried to incorporate it into my daily life, it was much harder than I thought!!!
I thumbed through the recipe book that they have out...some of those actually sounded pretty good.
I'm going to have to work my way up to watching Food, Inc. The things I've heard about it make my skin crawl, like the other commenter said, ignorance is bliss! :)
I'm going to try & finish the book over the weekend, but I do worry about being able to implement things realisticly- especially since this girl hates to go to the grocery!
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