It's no secret that I think Miss Mally Roncol is about the cutest thing out there. When I met her{seriously it was like meeting my idol she's so talented} she was just as warm & bubbly as she is on TV. My go to mascara for the last three years is Mally's Volumizing Mascara- it. is. da. bomb. Plain & simple- you can just keep layering & layering the product until you have Bambi lashes. When Mally puts together a Today's Special Value kit & my beloved mascara is in it- that's all the justification I need to scoop it up! This
puppy is already ordered & on it's way to me! Since fall wedding season is upon, I'm eager to try her new long wearing lunches from her Face Defender collection. I will report back to you Beauties- have a great weekend!
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M
PS- don't be alarmed by how vibrant the gloss looks, you can get away with bolder shades in sheerer textures!