Thursday, May 13, 2010

Preakness Time!

It's Preakness this weekend! Being a Baltimore girl, I thought I would share with you beauties the official drink of this horse race: The Black- Eyed Susan (makes one cocktail)
3/4 ounce Vodka
1 1/4 ounce Early Times Kentucky Whisky
3 ounces sour mix
2 ounces Orange Juice
Shake & serve over ice. Garnish with an orange slice & cherry. Enjoy!
For those of you who prefer a classic Mint Julep while watching your horse races- here you go!
2 cups water
2 cups sugar
8-10 sprigs of fresh mint
Early Times Kentucky Whiskey
Make a simple syrup by boiling the water & sugar together for 5 minutes. Let cool, then add sprigs of mint & refrigerate mixture overnight.
Fill cups with ice, then add 2 ounces of Kentucky Whiskey & one tablespoon of mint syrup to each individual glass. Top with simple syrup, stir & garnish with fresh mint! Cheers to having a great weekend!

Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M


  1. I spent many years at Preakness! Always the infield and always a shit show!!!

  2. LOVE my Black Eyed Susans! So excited for tomorrow!

  3. Hey there, stopping in from the Lady Bloggers Tea Party! Your blog is awesome, thanks for the recipe, I will definitely be trying it out!

    Ripped Nylon

  4. You know I consider people watching a sport:) Hope you enjoyed the cocktail & welcome to my new reader:)

  5. I didn't catch the race but the drinks sound amazing!


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