Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bon Voyage to Betty

Insert muffled sobs here...Movie Girl broke the news last night that Ugly Betty has been cancelled. I adore this colorful show & no one one was more surprised than moi!

On days where I know I'm being a particularly evil boss, I take comfort knowing that there are true Wilhemina Slater characters out there & I'm just having a bad day. I then buy my girls' forgiveness with free beauty loot. I guess I'll have to tune in to Kell on Earth(so excited for its debut on Bravo!) featuring the especially difficult Kelly from The Hills fame to make me feel better now.

Who hasn't daydreamed about having an assistant who would do literally anything for you?!(picking up dry cleaning, burying dead bodies...) Yes, Mark set the bar high in terms of standards...Tell me, when I start getting Botox, will training be available for my assistant Lucky Penny to administer it? I doubt it!

And how clueless, yet fabulous is Amanda? Ah to be that oblivious- there is a reason why they say ignorance is bliss. So I bid a fond farewell to a show that has been so good to me for 4 seasons. I will cherish the little time we have left together. Adios Amigo.
Peace. Love. Betty. M


  1. Oh no! I love Ugly Betty. I was hoping it would pull in better numbers on Wednesday night.

  2. This is SAD news for me. I love Betty. I kinda feel like I have a little bit of Betty going on in my life.....

  3. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news girleens, I too love the fabulousity of Betty!


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