Monday, November 9, 2009

Make-up Must Have Monday

Wow. Why didn't someone think of this before? This is a must have present in every young woman's stocking this holiday-sisters, daughters, a must for college students. You know I love my lipgloss, my beauties. This particular 2 Love My Lips Lipgloss could possibly prevent date rape and comes complete with a strip to test your drink for GSB. Yes, now when concerned that your cocktail has been laced with something, you can know for sure. This gloss should be in every girl's evening clutch when going out for a night on the town. Hopefully when a girl really needs it, she'll be sober enough to use it.
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M


  1. What a fantastic idea and great idea for a stocking stuffer!

  2. That is the craziest idea ever!
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I posted about it on my blog today.

  3. I know-Who would have thought make-up could help prevent crime?!


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