Monday, October 26, 2009

Must Have Monday

I've been known to smuggle my soda & gummi bears into my weekly movie excursions. I know it's a bit hypocritical that I can justify the price of Louis Vuitton bag(they last forever!), but not a $4.50 bottled water. That paradigm established, am I insane to consider purchasing a $130 shampoo? What is the price for perfect hair? After Lucky magazine glowingly reviewed Philip B.'s new Russian Amber Imperial Shampoo last month, I haven't stopped thinking about it. Visions of me skipping down a sidewalk with fabulously, bouncy perfect hair flood my daydreams. This month Lucky's offering 30% off the shampoo & all Philip B. products with coupon code: luckybreaks6. I'm going to try it. Am I crazy? Tell me my beauties, what's the most you've ever spent on a product that was worth every penny?

Peace. Love. Philip B(etter be amazing!) M

1 comment:

  1. I think you should try it while you can. You would not think twice about purchasing a great moisturizer right? Who can put a price tag on beautiful anything???


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