Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Repeat Offender

How many hair styling products and tools do I have to buy to realize that the good Lord above does not want me to have sexy, tousled beachy waves?!?! Oh how I yearn for Gisele's hair! Alas, mine is straight and fine. I'm not complaining, I have been blessed with a lot of beautiful brunette hair- it's just that I can never switch things up. I admit it, I am hair challenged. Friends of mine are pure genius with theirs- styled just so, but nope not me. My latest acquisition was Revlon's wave maker. I told myself, this time it would be different- like any addict. But besides it weighing a ton and feeling like I was awkwardly maneuvering a waffle pan thru my hair, I was left with 80's style crimping, not a soft curl in sight. Gah- what's a girl to do? What are my beauties' favorite tips and tricks and products for your hair?
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M


  1. frederic fekkai glossing cream is a godsend, makes your hair so shiney and can be put on when wet or dry. NEVER causes it to feel greasy.

  2. Ummm...that looks scary!!! All I want it straight hair all the time. The grass is always greener!

  3. I will add the Fekkai to my shopping list!


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