Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh no she didn't!

I make no apologies for the love affair that is moi & The Hills. I don't care that I'm a thirty something that's glued to the screen every Monday. I can not look away, even if I tried.
Hills fans know that this is Lauren's last season on the show...Audrina is signed for her own reality show & lord knows fame whores Speidi will follow a camera anywhere. But in tonight's episode, I could actually see how done my beloved LC is with the show. I actually felt like I could hear her thinking -'what am I doing surrounded by all these idiots?" (um hello Stephanie?!?)
Even more mesmerizing was everyone's lip fillers!!!! My Lord Heidi was a trend setter. I'm not judging- as an esthetician I'm all for doing what makes you feel better about yourself. But hello- Steph you were stumbling over your new lips. Brody's girlfriend Jayde? Bordering on looking disfigured. It was distracting- almost from the fact that Justin Bobbie's still an idiot & that Audrina(though her subtle injections are the best of the bunch) should be ashamed of herself for going after someone in a relationship. Kharma party of one. Regardless I love the whole bunch.
Peace. Love. Lipfiller. M

1 comment:

  1. You are exactly right! Everyone is so made over this season (although in the few scenes LC is in, she still looks good) that they look ridiculous! I agree completely- LC has already checked out mentally.


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