Friday, March 27, 2009

Sugar Craze

So I'm not fabulous under pressure. Don't get me wrong, I shift into hyper mode and I get things done without ever sacrificing detail. But it is not pretty. The girls at the spa have probably wanted to hurt me this past week. Alright, this past month. The Boutique Warehouse Sale has been a lot of work, I've asked a lot of favors & I wanted it to come together perfectly. It really did. I mingled tonight and got to see so many friends & clients- I was very proud they got to experience this event. Of course, I had many things in hand for my soon to be niece & my rent-a-niece ( or so we've been told...) But la piece de la resistance at the preview party was my darling friend Ashley's new venture, The Decadent Debutante. Her new launch of bon bons are like art. Bursts of color lined her table & I'm ashamed to admit I thought there was no way they could taste as good as they looked. Well little old moi was wrong. They were amazing- women were faint- oohing and ahhing, savoring each morsel. I am not exaggerating...I will have to vacuum out my car in the morning. I could not wait until home to get into my box and my car is covered in a fine array of sprinkles from it tumbling over in my desperation. I'm excited to say that we will be carrying the line at the store, but more proud that my friend is about to stumble upon the joys and heartache of owning her own business. It is a lesson unlike anything I have ever known. Tres Bon(Bon)! Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M

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