Girleens, can you believe tomorrow is December 1st!? You know that means holiday festivities will soon be underway! La Papillon is a proud sponsor of Tartans & Tidings this December 11th in Baltimore. Besides the fact that it's going to be a fabulous shindig with open bar, heavily butlered hor d'oeuvres & the amazing Burnt Sienna playing- a portion of the proceeds with be benefiting Baltimore tutoring programs. It's a win win! Did I mention the VIP gift bags, however? I'll let you in on a little secret, just La Papillon Spa alone will be having over $150 worth of loot in those puppies- score! Sky Blue Events is giving away a pair of 2 VIP tickets($250 value!), with its Preppy Plaid Photo Contest! Just email a photo of you wearing something fabulous & plaid- shoes, accessories, whatever! Plaid not really your style, but you want to do an awesome inspiration board? Perfect, just make sure to credit the source & photographer. All entries will be posted on Sky Blue Events blog on December 2nd & readers will vote on who's the best! Winner will be picked Friday December 3rd. Good Luck Beauties!
Peace. Love. Lipgloss. M